Hello there, Kay-Bee here. Wow it's been ages since I've last been on my blog. I wish I had enough time to blog. :/ Sometimes I wish I could be that same person back in the past where I have no worries and spend all my life on the internet. Reality sucks. I finally hit hell pretty hard. I didn't think it wouldn't make so miserable. I really hate life at the moment. Sometimes I think to myself of why I still exist in this world? I just don't know. I failed my first year of college from the school I love. Then I receive a letter from my recent school that I am on the verge not being able to stay in school. I just don't know what went wrong? Talking to people doesn't help at all. It brings their mood down, I don't want that. So now I have my blog to rely on. I am just fed up with life at the moment. Nothing goes the way I wanted to go. It just turned into dirt and disappears in the wind. I guess I ask too much of it. Yes I know life does suck but I didn't think it sucked this much. I faced reality and this is how much I suffered. No one understands how I felt, and neither do I. I don't know what I want. I am probably jealous of people. Jealousy is a bad thing. Yes I know. Maybe I just want to end my life. Who knows? What is there to live for when you keep failing. I am just a worthless human being. I don't know anymore. I just want to shun myself from this world full of lies. I work so hard at school, yet I don't understand. I am so pathetic, I am just the type of person who doesn't need any sympathy. FUCK love FUCK money FUCK everything that are the cause of my misery. I just want all of these nightmare to end. I don't know what to do anymore. All I want to do is now be locked in my room from reality and not come out. There is nothing left for me to do in this world. I am such an ugly person inside and.out. I don't deserve any happiness from kind people. I feel this is punishment for caring too much. I HATE it. I just want to be alone and wish all my happy memories to just disappear. It will probably end my suffering. Well that's my rant. I guess.
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Kay-Bee Deshita