Hey everyone Kay-Bee here! Have you ever had a dream about the guy you like and never had any dreams of them until now? Well I had a dream like that last night. (O_O) haha Last night I had a dream of Minho and it was like a prince like saving his princess dream. hehe Funny thing I was happy to see Minho in my dream but bad thing is that I felt paralyzed that I can't even say anything or could I move my body. So instead Minho carried me and I did felt being lift up which was scary and that woke me up. (-_-) I hate my spaz when I sleep at night, I would always get those and it would always kill my dreams because I would always wake up in the middle of the night. Well at least I got to see my Minho in my dreams. haha Well any girl can have an awesome dream you know? No matter if it's fantasy or reality I love dreaming because it is awesome! :D Well that's about it about my post since there is not that much that happen today in my day.
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Kay-Bee Deshita! ;D
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